47 Meters Down Movie Review

47 Meters Down Movie Review

Is 47 Meters Down a soggy, edge-of-your-seat thriller? Kidzworld saw it on an IMAX screen. Will it make you think twice about a vacation water adventure? Check out our movie review.

By: Lynn Barker

In 47 Meters Down, when conservative Lisa (Mandy Moore) and her more free-spirited sis Kate (Claire Holt) go all “Girls Gone Wild” on their Mexican beach vacay, somebody will surely live to regret some poor choices. When things go horribly wrong on a cage shark viewing dive, will it be Kate who saves the day or can Lisa find her mojo and step it up to achieve heroine status?

Strolling the beach in paradise

Sisters Gone Wild

On a Mexican vacation, Kate tries to get her sis Lisa to loosen up and party. Lisa admits that her boyfriend Stuart just dumped her because she’s well…too boring. On Kate’s dare, after dancing, drinking and meeting two hot Mexican guys, Lisa agrees to proving Stuart wrong by joining Kate in going out to sea, donning SCUBA equipment and getting in a cage which will be lowered to about 5 meters underwater so the occupants can see some huge sharks up close. Yikes!

Suiting Up with Captain Taylor

Rusty Cage

Out on the weathered dive boat with Captain Taylor (Matthew Modine) and party boys Javier (Chris J. Johnson) and Louis (Yani Gellman), Lisa starts to back out but is talked into suiting up and getting into a somewhat rusty cage with Kate after the boys have illegally chummed (thrown fish parts and blood) into the water and drawn a 20-foot shark and his buddies. Only Kate has taken any SCUBA classes. Lisa is a total newbie to diving. It’s frightening especially when one of the boys teases with “Hey, you know sharks can hear your heartbeat”.

A big shark circles the cage

Here Fishy Fishy

At first, Lisa is getting into seeing pretty fish up close and thinks this might be fun after all then, whoops, the winch that attaches the cage to the boat to lower it slips, breaks and the cage and sisters plummet from 5 meters to 47… the bottom of the ocean which is deep enough to give you the Bends (decompression sickness creating air bubbles in your brain) causing death if you don’t surface very, very slowly.

47 Meters Down Poster

47 Meters Down Poster 
Courtesy of Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures

See 47 Meters Down in theaters now !

